In my dream I was at All Nations church. I was praising. Everyone gathered together for something for a minute(can't remember what for), then I went back into praising. A woman came up behind me and started praising with me. She had her hands on me and we were going up and down. She was more in control of the movement. The longer we went the deeper into praise we got. Then all of sudden I was flying. I went higher and higher. I remember seeing Pastor Bonnie smiling at me. It felt like someone was behind me as I flew. I was free as bird, though. Then it came time for me to land. Everyone was frantic trying to make sure I didn't hit anything. I was going so fast, but I didn't hit a thing when I landed. I landed in front of 2 women I didn't know. I looked behind me for the woman that was dancing with me, because I thought she flew with me. One of the ladies said Emily was praising with me but I flew by myself. The other one said that the way we praised it was like everything satan had done was falling off. I think she mentioned something about restoration. As she continued to talk I touched my hair and my ponytail came out. And the dream ended.
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