I had a weird dream last night, really hazy and dull. But 2 symbols stood out the whole dream was about me catching a flight. I kept running to baggage to hurry to transfer flights to get to my destination. at one point the plane was landing, but landed in water near sea world in Florida. I saw large tortioses crossing the road. Then the pilot went through a swampy area filled with millions of tiny hippos (they were really tiny . Smaller than actual by hippos) and like 3 or 4 large hippos to get to the airport... but we weren’t really inside the plane anymore because I could feel the millions of tiny hippos biting my legs and it hurt a lot. I climbed up on top of someone until we got to the airport, then I was running to baggage again to find my bags to try and hurry to catch my flight.... I woke up several times in the middle of the night during this dream... everytime it was before I was supposed to get on the plane and when I’d go back to sleep I’d dream about running to catch my flight again (The hippo scene only occurred once)
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