I dreamed that I was packing my house to move. It was partially packed and someone I have a strained relationship with came to bring the vehicle to load and move everything. He brought a small trailer like one would use behind a pick up truck for a school homecoming parade. It was so small and I was very angry that he didn’t get the right size truck for all our things. I sent him back to get a full size/large moving van and my friend Joseph offered to drive him. After such a poor decision on the previous vehicle I decided to go with them and jumped in the trunk area of the SUV. When I got in I realized they may have wanted to talk privately as men. I can’t remember this part exactly but he did not get the right truck or even go back and I realized I would have to do it. around this part, when i was trying to decide what to do, a couple of men separately came to give me $1000 to help because the larger truck was going to cost so much more. They looked vaguely familiar but not enough to know their names and where I’d seen them. Thankfully the moving truck company was only a street away. Before I left I realized my friends who were there to help me pack could be doing things while I was gone - work had halted when the wrong size vehicle showed up. I asked them to take all the large framed pictures and paintings and decor off the wall and wrap them in that styrofoam wrapping/packing paper (not sure if that’s what it’s called - only way I know to describe it) before setting them aside to transport or put into a box. Once that was done most everything would be ready to load onto the truck. I planned to put all the furniture in the truck first and then boxes. I had also packed very well so that I could easily unpack at the next location. The dream ended with me going to the moving truck company.
When I woke I was a little fearful that it meant I was going to lose my house and have to pack and move. I imagined how I could pack using big boxes and pack one large box per piece of furniture or closet so I could be set up to move on with living really quickly at the new location.