Dream from 12/16/17- my husband was sick with a cold so I took him to his Grammys house (she passed away two years ago & i only met her briefly twice). I went to the gym to workout, while there I ran into an ex and it seemed him and some other girl who I had went to HS with knew I was in a hurry to get back to my husband and were trying to keep me from getting to him but I left anyways after I completed my workout. I was walking and when I walked out of the gym and looked back to say something to someone I realized I had walked out of my childhood home and was in my old neighborhood I proceeded to head back to go get my husband. I was walking to go get him when I noticed I was being followed by who appeared to be a PI (Private investigator) the PI was Idris Elba. I got to my husband’s grammy’s house and in my dream she was alive and I asked if Alonzo was still there. She smiled and said yes that he was still sleeping and that she was tired so she hadn’t gone to check on him at all. She was very happy to see me and asked about how I was doing and she asked about my grandma sandie, she said that she had told her to pray (she never met my grandma in real life or any of my family for that matter) Alonzo woke up because his grammy’s house phone was ringing and I told him that there was a PI who was following me looking for him and not to answer it and to change the address on his grammy’s door. (The address had four numbers but I can only recall a 2 and a 7) His Grammy seemed calm through everything even when Idris Elba came and took Alonzo. Alonzo answered the phone anyways but said no one was on the other end, then I saw Idris Elba walking up and told Alonzo to get down and hide because that was the PI Alonzo recognized Idris Elba and was like “really Idris Elba is the PI?” I said yes and for him to get down and hide but it was too late, I was scared and freaking out but Alonzo seemed calm like his Grammy, Idris Elba had some pamphlet with some weird tan looking spider on it and said that Alonzo had to be questioned about it, I think it was called a Sawdust crab? But it looked like a spider and apparently it was illegal in Washington but I didn’t understand what that had to do with my husband. Before being taken I noticed my husband was listening to music on his phone with headphones, Idris Elba unplugged the headphones and asked what song he’d like to listen to before being taken to the car, my husband chose “Free” by Kierra Sheard although in the dream he called it ”Freedom” and the first thing I heard was “my redeemer has set me free” my husband looked at me and smiled as if to say that everything would be okay and I felt a brief sense of calm and then I smiled because when Idris Elba heard the lyrics he became angry and frustrated but let my husband listen to the song (but he put my husband’s headphones back on him so only my husband could hear the song). He took my husband and I began to cry and asked my husband’s Grammy if I could stay there with her because I didnt want to be alone she said yes and I sat on the floor in front of the couch she was laying on she still appeared calm and was smiling. The dream shifted after this I was at some cafe or something with random people I don’t recall too much , I saw that a girl I was with was debating whether or not to call her ex I recognized her exes name and that he worked at the place Alonzo was being held for questioning I asked her if she would contact her ex to help me try and see my husband she agreed but then I said I felt bad because I was just using her for my own selfish reasons but she said she didn’t mind helping me. On the way there I changed my mind for some reason and the last thing I remember before waking was getting a notification on my phone that said something about the inmate or patient #12 which I knew was my husband then I awoke.
**I wrote down the dream immedately after having it but the title of it came to me Sunday morning on 12/31/17, i was half asleep when i kept hearing ”Prince of Peace” i was confused why and then this dream was broigh back to memory and i knew that was supposed to be the title.