This dream has me a little shaken!
The dream starts out that as I’m leaving my condo to go to the ocean, a young man notices me and Ask about Brett (my son) I said he is good and he replies: I knew him from school. I said oh ok where Are you from and he very proudly says, Charleston SC. So now I am on the beach and it’s a beautiful day.
There was a certain family there that I knew was from Buffalo High School (my school back then) and they was all even dressed in Black and white which was our school colors. They recognized me and said too bad you don’t have your camera, as they were all posed for a pic. I said well one of ya give me your phone. Just as I was about to take the picture a woman came out of no where and was yelling for everyone to get to their porches As a storm was coming. So here I am with this ladies phone and glasses and it starts pouring the rain. As I go to take cover under a little ledge, it’s the ledge of my Aunts house when I was a young girl, then when no one returns, I go to get on the elevator and when I go to hit the button it’s the same panel as the one here at work. While waiting on the elevator I was able to look through a window to see the city side of town and there was flooding taking place. Looked to be about 2 foot of water on the roads, so I start praying OH GOD protect my kids, protect my kids cause they were in the room When I come out of elevator on city side, water had totally dissipated. There was a woman standing there whom was a woman I Work with here at the hospital and she said to me, in what direction is South Darlington High School? I replied, I have no idea. As I turn to head to check on my kids, it’s now dark (like a storm is coming) and the place looks desolate and dark; like there is not a soul
Around. Total Ghost town. I then drop the ladies glasses I had and broke one of the arms. As I bend down to pick them up
I look to my right and sitting on a bench kinda shadowed by a single little tree is a black man, wearing black jeans,
a light grey hooded sweat jacket and was wearing Silver Aviator sunglasses. I sensed he knew I was the only person now alive,
as I felt fear that he was there to take me, harm me or worse. As I began to start to run, I turn to look at him and he pushes up
his glasses as he had dropped them to watch me start walking away, so as not to see his face he pushed them up and very
nonchalantly stood up. I do not know if he chased me as I awoke when I started running. When I awoke I was very scared. I began to ask GOD what that was about. I then went to my phone which is something I Normally would not know to do and googled if there was a South Darling High School and there wasn’t a south one but
There was a Darlington High School in Charleston South Carolina. So my little bit of interpretation was to immediately cry
Out for this High School today and came against any attacks that may have possibly been plotted. But the man at the end
(whom I sensed to be a demon) And me being the only person alive has me rattled.