In my dream, I was on a trip with a team to another country. I remember storing my luggage , coat and a couple other bags in a store room before heading to our training area. Marie was on my team and stored her things in the same area.
I don't remember the training itself but I do remember that it went well. We were being trained to serve at a large banquet that was taking place that evening. I felt peace and was happy I had been there. Towards the end of the training, I began to chat with one of the staff members of the conference center. We flirted a little though I didn't take his interest seriously.
Our team left to find our belongings and to get dressed for the banquet. I chatted for a little while with this staff guy who was also on security duty. I looked quite frumpled in my outfit, and he covered me with a blanket because I was a little uncomfortable with how I appeared. I had to run back to the store room to find my things so that I could change into the right clothes for the evening.
In the store room, many things had been moved and cleared out! Marie was getting dressed. (Marie is a leader who attended the School of Transformation with me. She is a gifted teacher and mentor in supernatural ministry.) She told me that she had difficulty finding her things because they had been stashed in with other luggage. She was busy getting ready so she wasn't able to help me. I looked for my suitcase, bags and coat but couldn't find them! I kept my peace, trusting that God would help me. Another staff member suggested that I look in another store room down the hall.
As I walked down the hall, I met up with the staff guy I had met earlier. I explained to him what was happening, and he called for staff to help me. Many of my team members were ready and heading into the banquet hall.
I found the bigger store room. It was full of luggage on shelves. It also wasn't very clean, so I was hesitant to pull bags down and set them on the floor. I was overwhelmed with the number of suitcases that looked like mine! I looked first for my coat but couldn't find it. I began to open suitcases to see if I could recognize my things...there were quite a few for me to look into.
I was starting to become frantic and asked a couple of the staff if they could help me. I was frustrated with the hotel for taking liberty to move our things, but I knew that was allowed in their country. They were busy with finishing their work in organizing and cleaning the area but told me they would help me when they could. I began to consider counting this a loss and trusting God to provide me with replacements for what I lost. I prayed that He would help me find my things. I was hopeful because He almost always helps me find what I've lost but I was also disappointed and anxious over losing my things.