This is my aunts dream. She was an observer and had no interaction in the dream. I feel like it means something and had some ideas but wanted other input.
My brother was telling his younger son, Justin that they were going to pick him out a truck and buy it. (Justin passed away 3 1/2 years ago when he was 13).
Then they were in a large 3 car garage with my brothers oldest son, Jesse. The trucks were lined all lined up in the bay in birth order; my brothers first, then Jesses, then Justins.
My brother tells them they can paint them any color they wanted to, and however they wanted to and to be creative.
Darrell‘s truck was a red pick up truck and he had “Sweet Home Alabama“ and “Roll Tide” on it. (Not a football or Skynnard fan in real life.)
Jesse’s was a 70’s model Ford truck that belonged to my dad 30 years ago but he painted it white with a red stripe and had the American flag on it.
Justins truck was blue and was an 80’s model Ford. It had pictures of his grandparents (my mom and dad-dad is also deceased), me and my other brother and our children on one side. On the other side, there were pictures of him, Jesse, Darrell and his little brother Isaac. (He has a little sister too but she was born after he died and was not on there. And none of our spouses were on there) The pictures were in small, gold frames but were like part of the paint job. The hood was painted “The Crowleys“ which is everyone’s last name except mine and my kids. (My maiden name)
She heard Justin say “my truck is “the Crowley’s“ and she woke up.