I had a really interesting dream last night, I feel like I have a bit of an idea of what the first half might mean, but i’m not sure about the second half. Either way, here it is, I would love to hear someone else’s interpretation: I was riding my bike down a dirt path on a sunny day, when I reach a kind of fork in the road. Ahead of me were 3 pathways and a thick forest. The one to my left was just the dirt path continued, and it went around the forest off into the distance. The one to my right was really dark and had a bad feeling about it. The path in the middle straight ahead was also dark, but not as dark, and it didn’t feel scary, just kind of intimidating. I couldn’t see where this one would lead, and I couldn’t see where it ended because the shade from the trees made it too hard to see. I checked my GPS, and it showed me that the middle path was the one that would take me to where I wanted to go, and the picture on the screen showed an icon of a big tree in what looked like a clearing the middle of the forest. I followed the middle path like my GPS told me to, and I reached a lovely orchard. I looked for lychees (favourite fruit) but the caretaker told me they were out of season. There were however plenty of berries of all kinds, and they were very sweet. There was lots to explore in the orchard - lots of different stalls to stop at and eat berries. At one stall I accidentally made a mess, and the caretaker for some reason gave me an ice-pack to clean with instead of a cloth, which I thought was very odd, and when I asked about it they said that I had to use the ice-pack. Instead of properly cleaning the berry juice, it froze some of it onto the steps in front of the stall, and it wouldn’t come off, but the caretaker said it was fine. Then my sister arrived, and I showed her around, and in my dream she was pregnant. We had some other interactions too, but I can’t remember what they were anymore.
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