Japanese (Real Title): アリゾナの教え (Romanized version: "Arizona no Oshie")
English (Approximate Translation of Real Title): "Teachings of Arizona"
There were one or two other "dreams" that I am not sure whether they were really earlier parts of this dream or their own separate dreams, though I believe they were probably separate. I will exclude them from this post and only present what I know was the same dream. This is about the best I remember of the dream; please forgive if I forget something or whatever.
I was being discharged at a hospital, and I was hanging around my bed and gathering my things. A female, Japanese medical professional (probably a doctor) was leading me out basically. She kept saying something to me, but I kept having trouble understanding her, even though it was in English. Finally I realized what she was talking about: She was reminding me of a coat that I had in there, so I gathered it and started putting it on. It was a coat with both practical and sentimental value, which I had inherited from a friend. We were in the hot part of AZ, and I told her that I basically brought it as a precaution, in case I stopped in NM and ended up in cold weather.
I was basically finishing getting my own things, and there were some bags and stuff that belonged to my mother that were also there. However I already had several items to take with me, and it was too much to take hers as well. Maybe one bag or something would've been fine, but with it being several items, I just decided to leave them all there and let her come and get her own items.
Then the dream went to another scene where the female, Japanese medical professional and I were in a car in the desert of AZ. We were both riding away from the hospital to my home or wherever I was going. We were both in kind of the back seat area, facing each other. I guess this was a van or SUV or something, because we were both in the back.
I was looking out the window and basking in...my home. AZ. I moved out here originally from the Eastern US a few years ago, and I was most recently back from living in Japan. Most of my life was in the Eastern US, specifically AL, but AZ is my home now. Earlier on I had completely destroyed my identity as an Alabamian and changed it to Arizonan. THIS was my home now.
It was broad daylight, and we could see the roughly full moon. We talked to each other. It came up that Native Americans were traditionally able to make weather predictions based on the appearance of the moon. I remembered - and might've also mentioned - my small amount of Native ancestry and my mother mentioning one of our Native family members long ago being able to do kind of the same thing. I also mentioned to the professional that I preferred AZ compared to some other Western states. I said that some other Western states had problems AZ didn't, such as regulating too much, being overly strict, or any number of other things. Between us was my brother's baby - my niece or nephew. The baby and I started shaking hands. It had slobber on its hand, but still we were shaking hands.
The professional also mentioned "lords" or "overlords" or something taking many people out somewhere West long ago in history (probably in the 1800's). Then she mentioned the same "lords" or "overlords" or whatever, later on, taking Mormons out of WV and bringing them into UT, hence how the Mormons basically originally got out into UT historically. We kind of stopped somewhere, and I saw a drawing of this incident on an old, wooden building. It showed a man in WV being captured as a part of this incident. It made me a little sick to see and think of this.
I woke up from the dream feeling peaceful. The number one thing on my mind about the dream, the number one thing the peaceful feeling is tied to, is the peaceful scene in the car with the professional and the baby (not the part about the drawing). This peaceful feeling has continued until now.