Dream started in a christian bookstore, similar to a store we have in my city called koorong, with only christian materials. I spent a lot of time deciding what I wanted to buy. I eventually bought a journal & some other things, including one thing that was really important, but I can’t remember why it was important or what exactly it was, but it was really expensive, and it cost me a lot. I could barely afford it. It was something that was going to be used over the course of the next year.
I remember writing in this really cool journal that I bought, and what I wrote was really important somehow.
I then went to this bridge-type thing in this ancient-looking, biblical times town. The bridge was like a rope bridge hanging down, and it was attached to this ceiling, and it had netting going up both sides, so that you would look through the netting when you looked out.
There was this pharisee-type person reading things out to the town people as they walked or rode by underneath the bridge. I asked if I could read what I wrote in my journal, so I read it loudly to everyone in the town.
As I was reading, my perspective suddenly switched to someone who was listening from the back of a cart riding by. On the back of this cart with me was Jesus and some disciples. Jesus was speaking to one of of the disciples about what was being said (What I was reading from the bridge) The disciple was saying something about how what was being said applied to so many people, and Jesus interrupted him to say it applied to him too (the disciple).
The scene changed slightly to me standing on the bridge again talking to Jesus, trying to show him what I wrote in my journal, but I couldn’t find the spot where I wrote it. He said it was okay, and just encouraged me.
The dream changed after this, to me speaking to others who were on the bridge at night. The bridge suddenly became dangerous, and I was trying to convince them to leave the bridge and come with me to a better place. I was on the side of the bridge, in a safe place, speaking to this person, but at one stage they fell asleep, and the danger almost trapped them. I had to shout to wake them. When they woke, they wanted to come with me because they realised the danger they were in, but first wanted to go save someone else who was also on the bridge. They stretched out a stick for this person to grab, but they didn’t want to come. Me and the other person left the bridge.