I was in the desert SW USA on a "spread" or ranch, visiting. All brown sand, and it didn't get as hot as white sand. The wide driveway was sand, too. There were a few animals, like donkey and goat, I can't remember exactly what. Everything was OK but in the middle of the driveway there was a sinkhole big enough for a person to fit in and they had thrown in a couple of very thick catalogues in there, similar to Sears/Roebuck, still wrapped in plastic. After awhile, I walked further down the driveway alone and I suddenly noticed there were lots of the sinkholes almost touching each other. I wound up in the middle of them and couldn't figure out how to get back w/o falling in one. I was near the neighbor's property and yelled for help. They heard me and were preparing to help me, then I woke up. Natural well-lit colors.
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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