I dreamed that I was in a hospital-like place looking at pictures of families expecting babies. I don’t know if I was pregnant or why I was there. I saw an old boyfriend and then his wife. They were obviously expecting another baby and I told her congratulations. They were going to see her obgyn. I asked her what software she was using/selling and if it was Cerner (where i used to work) and she said no and gave another name that apparently was what her obgyn Dr Mckenzie was using - it was something like AI?. Then I was walking toward the elevators and just to get away from there and my exhusband stepped out of them. He looked terrible and was carrying a pumpkin-seat/portable/handled car seat with a baby in it. The baby was ugly and very fat but a newborn age. I said, “oh!” And he said, “I just sold everything i have yesterday. I don’t have anything left.” I asked, “is it yours?” First he said yes and then no and i was confused. We walked together a few steps and I was wanting to see the mom who would be coming for them. Then i saw a woman coming from the opposite direction and a separate hall. She gave him a look or said something to motion that he should come with her into the room to the right of him/left of her. He walked past me and joined her to go in the doors. She was very short, like a midget, and unattractive. Her hair was curled like an old 80s spiral perm, looked gelled or wet and was bright reddish-orange but with black roots and hair underneath like she had colored it and it had grown out. The doors were wooden, double doors, not very large - similar to an office building and the doors seemed to go into a large conference room. The dream ended as I was looking for an elevator to get out of that building.
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