My Husband and I were trapped upstairs in our bedroom some people came into our house (black thugs) and we were nervous and scared we had music on upstairs it was loud not sure if they heard it downstairs I could see there was a family outside where my back window was having fellowship around a table a white family they were laughing so eventually I thought we should jump out the back window to them but I realized we could hurt ourselves (there was nothing to land on but the grass) so I went by the window and called out to them asking them to bring over their men that were there to our house hoping they could help us Mrs. Freddie (from my previous church) was there I spoke to her and another women about this they both said okay my husband and I had no protection at one point I thought of texting my father in law but never did I called the police (earlier) a white lady she answered but seemed busy with something else but she did recognize my address I gave it to her but she never confirmed she was sending someone she never said anything or alluded to hanging up so I hung up hoping she was gonna send someone at one point my husband was on the phone with my mom I think he was telling her about what was happening I wanted to talk to her but didn’t think we had time so I texted her I loved her I could hear the men talking downstairs they knew we were upstairs but for some reason didn’t move too fast to come and get us I believed they had guns my husband and I were stuck in our bedroom closet trying to hide we had 3 big axes with us I took one and my husband took one and when we heard the men say they were coming upstairs to get us I put my phone in my pocket I gave my husband a kiss on the forehead and then we waited nervously one of the guys knew us cause he was I guess our cousin one guy had got off the phone with someone else and said we were his cousins and asked him “you are not protecting your cousins right?” And he said no. I guess they felt he was stalling to get up there to us. Then I guess the men from next door or someone actually came to the door to help us and I heard one of the men (thugs) say before that statement about the cousins “oh someone’s at the door?” But of course they didn’t open it etc. my husband and I waited with our axes to face the men. I thought about just going to face them on the stairs and stop waiting but didn’t.
The Lights were on in our room where we were and I think the tv was too...