Friend's eldest sister Catherine and I drove our own car and both are white colour, came out from an unknown building at the same time. I have a sense that doesn't feel right towards his sister Catherine. I stopped and parked my car, went into Catherine car to see what going on and I saw and Airah her youngest daughter is sitting on the baby seat with a lot of control button setting together. All the button on-screen is showing the human emotional logo: Crying, Laughing, Eating, Angry and others. Catherine asked me to clicked the button and I saw her daughter Airah like a robot controlling, and doing the exact same as what the button is showing.
Catherine's face suddenly lose control, she laughs very laugh in a very prideful way and as she so enjoying seeing her Airah is being controlled by her command through this button. And, I saw Airah became so fat and, I starting to worry about her health as Catherine keep feeding her chocolate pie in order to keep Airah to obey her command without saying no. in my heart scream, Oh No, Airah will die soon I need to save her up. Suddenly, Airah disappears and gone. I am inside Donald Trump room at White House Building, the reason I am there is wanna find my nephew Airah, she disappears and I want to rescue her. I saw Joe Biden holding a golden key in his hand and told D.T you are not able to fight with me. D.T heard it, he was so angry as he wanted to have more time to extend the period of his stay but can't, his heart is so sad and helpless.