I had 3 dreams in a row, or perhaps they were parts of the same dream, though they appear to be unrelated to each other.
1. Retrieving an item from a friend’s office
I was about to go out for dinner with my family, but remembered that I had left something at a friend’s office (that friend is a brother in Christ). So I told my family that I’d head over to his office before going to the restaurant. I saw an image of his office, which looked a lot like the office my dad used to own. (In real life, that brother works at a bank tower, and it’s different than the office I saw in my dream.) The item I was going to retrieve was never mentioned in the dream, and before I got to the office the dream ended.
2. Taking the lift
I was with my husband at a lift lobby of what appeared to be an office building. There were at least 5 to 6 lifts/elevators, but also a lot of people waiting to take them. Most of this dream was very monotone in colour. The elevators were grey/silver and people waiting there wore black. I don’t know which floor we were on, but we wanted to go down to the first floor. Every time an elevator door opened, it was going up, or a lot of people appeared out of nowhere and rushed in so we couldn’t get in. I got really frustrated.
Finally there was a relatively empty elevator with only a few people in it. Both the up and down arrows above the elevator lit up, and the arrows were in red (like a soft red light). There were also some symbols beside the arrows but I don't remember what they were now. This was the only time I saw any lights or symbols on the elevators. I thought to myself, "I hope no one pressed the buttons for upwards." When my husband and I got in, I saw that only the "1" button lit up, so we could go down to the 1st floor which is where we wanted to go. But suddenly a woman wearing a purple Chinese style costume appeared and she was blocking the elevator doors, and behind her there were more women wearing the same costume (probably 20 of them). She was saying something like "Don't go down, come over this way." I said to her, "Go away." and then the elevator doors closed on her and she was forced to get out of the elevator.
When we got to the first floor, it looked like a shopping mall and there were some Christmas decorations. I knew where I was going, it was probably a children's book shop, but I'm not 100% sure that I remember correctly. But in the dream I knew where I wanted to go, and when my husband asked me where it was, I knew the way too. Before we got there, the dream ended.
3. A dark house with strange "transformer" robots
There was a spooky two-storey house that had a dark grey or black rooftop. On both floors, there was a black metal gate at the front of the house. There were also two ivory or beige columns on the side in front of the house. (I presume they were stone columns.) I was with a man whom I don't know, standing beside one of the columns. I don't remember what he looked like, but have the impression that he's about the same age as myself. A voice in the background was talking about giving students their report cards. (Some background information: I'm not a student, but my daughter has been going to interviews for grade school/primary school.) Two robots, one on each floor of the house, appeared, and they pulled the metal bars on the gates and bent them to create an opening, and got out of the house. These robots looked like transformers, but their colours were not like "Bumblebee". They were grey and dark purple. As they got out of the house, the voice in the background was still going on about the teachers getting the report cards prepared. Then each robot climbed up one of the columns outside the house. The man who was standing beside me followed the robot and climbed up too.