This dreams has three segments- the first is,
I was stepping onto a large boat unknowing where my destination was. My parents were on the boat and I said " how long am I going to be gone"? They said three days and three nights- I'm still not sure on destination. I was surprised to see my parents there. I remember looking out of the window to the boat going forward and the water going by.
The second part of the dream was my daughter first cousin wanted to order a game and have it shipped to my house so his mother wouldn't get it.
The third and final segment was
My Daughter Farrah and I had went to a strip mall, the people we rode with decided not to stay, so they left. We had also left our purses and cell phones in the floor board of the car. So when they left we were without them. when we were ready to leave I realized I didn't have my phone, so I ask the guy at the customer service if I could use his cell phone to call for a ride. I called (I believe) my parents to come get us. Meantime, Farrah and I were wearing our blue church shirts-( the color of the shirts stood out as a vibrant blue) and on the it says "Our City, Our State, Our Nation, Our world with the scripture Acts 1:8. there were four people there- Not sure who the other two were. While waiting on our ride, we leave the store and started walking on this railroad area. The area seemed to be a Telecommunications working area- there were trucks that were riding on the railroads working- one truck I remember going super fast around the track on a corner.
when our ride got to the store/mall he (Nate Byrd) could see us walking up ahead- I ask Him how did you see us and he said " I saw you" (this stood out)
when we left we went back to a house and started to prepare lots of food- (like for a holiday or something) My feeling was that I was with my family, lot of people and it felt comfortable.