In my dream, I was driving my red Subaru in a foreign city (Italy, but didn’t look too Italian). This is the car I own in the natural. As I was driving, I saw a beautiful saphire blue sports car at a dealership, and I desperately wanted to drive it. So I parked my car and took it for a test drive, knowing I probably couldn’t afford this car. As I was about to return to the car place, I got a phone call that require I make a quick stop a few blocks away. I’m loving the car, so I decide I will drive there first, run my errand, then return the car. I run into a building, then come out, and the blue car is gone—stolen. I pull out my phone to call the police, kind of in a panic, but my phone becomes foreign, as in it’s no longer my iPhone, but some other brand, and everything is in Japanese. I somehow get back to my red Subaru, only now it’s blocked on all sides and I can’t get out.
I tried interpreting it, but I’m new so here’s what I came up with: The blue car is a spiritual calling that I wish to have, but I don’t (yet?). I’m exploring this calling and learning about it, but it’s taken away from me by the thief, the enemy. I’m trying to seek the Lord in the matter, but something is wrong with my prayer life. But, my current life/walk is stuck as my current anointing is incapable to dealing with my obstacles.
I also had a second dream more recently that I think is connected: as I was waking (so twilight dream), an image of an upside-down skull with a long knife or short sword stuck through the left eye. The skull was completely a dry bone, but the right eye was flesh and functioning. I saw the pierced left eye as that calling that is stolen and the right eye as my current work. The skull could represent Ezekiel 37 dry bones that God is able to put flesh on… but maybe the long dagger is a curse that has a long reach? If my calling is stolen, I can take that to the courts of heaven, right?