Jason’s Dream:
He is in a game with headsets on, but like a real life game. He was going through blue tunnels like portals or doors collecting points. In one room on the third floor of a four story house there were two toddler girls. It was dark. The house was a rich woman’s house he knew. One of the toddlers with two buns in her hair ran up to Jason, because she was scared. It was like he was babysitting. He looked to the right and there was a strong man, but he had a big belly. The strongman told Jason he had killed an acquaintance Michael, and was going to kill him too. The strongman began wrestling Jason and had a old western type gun with a long barrel that was chrome and shiny pointed at his head, but Jason told himself “God won’t allow this strongman to kill me”. The strongman stopped wrestling Jason and was about to jump out the window, but a man in a football jersey appeared and irritated the strongman with his words. Therefore, the strongman began wrestling Jason again.
Kasey’s (wife) Dream same day:
Drove up to what looked like an old western town in my CRV with my grown daughter in the back with four toddler girls. We got out. My daughter took the girls to a video game machine that looked like pac man, but it had four selections to choose from. She entertained them while I went into the store. One of the girls may have been my sisters daughter. One of the girls it seemed like I was responsible for her, and I took her took me in the store later when she was wondering off. I went in the store and entered into the right room. It was dark and there were Christian items in that room like a prayer cloth, a throw that I picked up, but it was $86 and too expensive. There was also a folded small grey sheet type cloth that seemed fit to buy, but I put it down and went into the main area of the store. There were two men that were men of prayer (possibly angels). I told them Jason needs prayer. One was tall and thin. He was the main leader. One was shorter and heavier. The tall one seemed like he got a prophetic download and looked very concerned. He took the other guy in the right room and they wrote things down. While waiting I was entertaining the toddler with me. The shorter guy popped his head out and said what Baptist Association are you connected with. I said we go to several gatherings, but our Sunday church is ... He said that’s a problem. Then, a woman in the room with me said I hope not my son is in their social media.
Jason’s second dream:
Jason had a dream he was standing on a cylinder coming up out of the ground like the Hunger games. There was an owl with yellow eyes like cat eyes staring at him. While he was coming up he saw a guy like a gymnast you see on a trophy with his legs out like an athlete. Jason was playing football with friends somewhere else. A guy who was a friend was hired to kill Jason. He shot Jason, but he didn’t die. Then, Jason was outside at his Dad’s house in the backyard. Jason shot his .45. His Dad was there, and came out and said what was that because it was so strong and loud.
Other significant things and dreams have happened that relate to these dreams. We know they are significant, because of the signs we are receiving.