First dream- Had a dream that I had a baby, but I had no idea how I got pregnant because I am a virgin and it was impossible. I didn’t even know I was pregnant because I was just barely showing and thought I just gained some weight. I do remember being very happy about the baby, but still very confused about where it came from.
Second dream - I was on the run from this oppressive government that had next level magic ways of tracking you down. They wanted to get a hold of me because I had some sort of special gifts, but I escaped each time. There was way more to this dream but I cannot remember any more.
Third dream - Exploring with my sister. We were painting on the walls of a cave inside a mountain. I painted something cool, I think it was a face of a person, but I can’t remember what it was. As I was painting, two people came along and tried to ridicule what I was doing, but I paid them no attention. When I finished painting, a passageway opened behind us, and there was a fully furnished beautiful room for us to stay in. I went in while waiting for her, and saw that she had gotten me a gift and was hiding it behind something, and was obviously planning to surprise me. This was surprising, because she doesn’t really do that usually.
All these dreams were in the same night.