(I‘m submitting this dream on behalf of Bianca, my 28 y.o daughter )
I’m with my husband standing on land as I’m looking at a bridge by the bay.
Suddenly I see a plane nosedive into the bay and I instantly start to cry just thinking about all those people dying. Then I’m near the plane and I can see it thru the water. I then realize Lilliam (who cares for my son at the daycare) was on that plane and I did not want her to die. Apart from my grief when the plane crashed into the water, the dream switched to how we could save them. The plane instead of being tail down in the water switched to being tail up- and all I could think of is that the water hasn’t entered the cockpit completely and we can save them. I was a diver, diving down and grabbing people along with others. I knew we didn’t have a lot of time but I kept going down and kept seeing other divers rescue people. We didn’t have diving gear but we kept going for them and bringing them up. At one point I was looking down into the water from the land (like from a dock) and could barely make out the nose of the plane. I don’t know if we saved everyone because I woke up before the end of the dream, but I remember grabbing people from the flooding aisles of the plane and bringing them up including Lilliam.