I had a dream that one of my closest friends and all of her kids were in a plane crash. Her husband was not in the plane with them. I feel like my husband and I were on the plane, but I watched the crash from the ground. I looked up and saw a white plane spin in circles a few times then it came crashing down to the ground. It wasn’t very high in the air when it started to falter. My husband and I went racing to the plane as soon as it hit the ground to make sure everyone was ok. My husband started pulling the kids out one by one and laying them on the ground then got my friend out. Everyone was ok except her youngest son (her stepson) He looked fine when my husband pulled him out, but when my husband went to pick him up off the ground, he noticed he had a nasty wound on the back of his neck that was bleeding. When I tried to show my friend his wound, she ran her hand across the back of his neck to see where I was talking about, but she couldn’t see the wound even though I could see that it was still there. I tried calling someone to tell them about the crash, but I couldn’t get anyone to help us. Every time I’d call someone, I wouldn’t be able to hear them well enough to know what they were asking me so I had a hard time explaining what happened, and no one on the other end of the phone could hear me when I tried explaining everything to them. So instead of trying to call anyone, once we knew everyone was taken care of, my husband and I decided to leave the scene and try to find someone to tell about the crash. Then I woke up.
** the plane looked huge in the air, but when it actually fell to the ground, I noticed how small it really was bc when we went to get my friend and her kids out, I noticed it was only a few rows deep and the rows were short. Like they were meant to only hold a small amount of people.