Do you think this dream is from God ?
I question it even if it was a day dream and in color. because of the sprite drink ( Meaning fairy or spirit) or is it talking about the Refreshing of the spirit ? The other side to this is it could definitely be some sort of an Angelic visitation with a message. And they also seemed to be concerned with my well being. I doubt any demon would be concerned with my wellbeing.
I had dream were I was shaking a white Delivery truck back and forth. The truck was double stacked. I saw 2 people in the truck I think they were both wearing white. One of them told me to be careful not to pull it over on myself. They didn’t really seem to be affected by me shaking it. Only concerned with my wellbeing. I then look in the truck and I noticed they are selling sodas so I buy a sprite for $1.60 and I wasn’t sure there price was right so I told him I owe you $40 cents so he said no its ok you don’t have to. However, I counted out 4 dimes and gave them to him. After that I have a huge hunger for heaven and woke up.
$0.40(A time of testing) +$1.60= 2 dollars=2 agreement or double mention
1.00 or 100 fullness
60 60 fold
or represents human strength and pride as well as divine glory and intervention