I'm looking at a view of the city from a highrise apartment window. My house was filled with people wearing uniform that looked to me like either firemen or maintenance. I'm turning on the stove which is white, but as I'm turning the knob to light the burner, there's a malfunction with the knob, and because the gas is on, a spark went off lightly burning my finger. I pulled the plug from the outlet to prevent gas from leaking and I tell the uniformed guys about the faulty stove, and they're ready to help. The dream shifts, and now I'm outside. I hear a woman's voice and she's asking me if I have a money in my "marriage account" for the sole purpose of my husband and I to use (for marital things?) Then a 2nd woman's voice responds to the 1st, by saying something regarding that I don't need to (put money in the marriage account) because I will end up having more in that account than any other. End of dream. The actual phrases that these two voices spoke are a bit hazy and can't recall much more, but I had a positive feeling overall. Thank you for the help! :)
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