I am driving and talking on the phone which is a blue/teal color and the kind of phone people used to have in their homes with a receiver and a cradle. While I am talking, I almost hit an African -American man who is just standing in the middle of a busy street with a stroller. I stop the car and get out and to ask the man, “what are you doing?” then I notice there are other children in the street. One of the kids is a baby who is sitting in something like a boppy pillow. I say no no no and pick the baby up when I notice that the baby is extremely dirty and has a maggot crawl from behind its ear. Because of this I hold the baby away from me rather than how you would normally hold a child. I am looking for information from the other people who are just looking at me and I am also trying to give them back their baby, but they are saying things like why did you even pick up the baby. No one will take the baby from me so I try to put the baby on the grass and I say I am sorry baby. At this point I look back towards my car and I realize someone has stolen my vehicle.
I go to an alley where there is a police woman to report my car stolen but as I am sharing my story I realize this person is listening to me but is not the police officer. I find the police woman again retell my story and find once more that I am not talking to the police officer. The third time this happens I stop in the middle of my story and say, wait! Are you the police officer? The officer says yes and tells me she knows who took my car and we are going to go pick them up.
As as I am walking with her I am realizing and relieved that I didn’t have my purse in the car and also recalling a real life situation that had happened that same morning. I say something like if I don’t help I feel bad and when I do help this happens. I am not helping anymore! as I recall in the dream that I didn’t have my purse or credit cards or I.D. in the car I wake up.