I am not sure if these were three separate dreams or if these were three different scenes in one dream. They all happend one after the other. (Sorry this seems long).
I dreamed that I was listening to a man speaking to another man on my right about what his job is, why he does what he does and what steps he takes to make sure he does a thorough job. As I listened to him, I thought in the dream that this man knows what he is doing and is very knowledgeable about his work so I was very impressed and wanted to find out more information about him. When he finished talking to the other man, he passed by me and I stopped him and asked for a business card. I told him that he sounds like he knows what he is doing so I wanted his information. He gave me two or three cards and one card had somethimg written on the back so I thought he may want this back so he could have the information he wrote on the back of one of the cards.
I believe the dream changed to another scene and I was talking with my Sister Carolyn. It seemed like it was around Christmas time. She called me and let me know that she was pregnant. I said Oh My God!!! She said that there were complications and said, I didnt tell you about what happened. It seemed as though the doctors had said that it was serious and that she had to go into the hospital. (Similar to women who have complications during pregnacy and the doctor tell them they have to go into the hospital to get rest in order to carry the baby to full term). She told me that she was headed to the hospital. In the dream, it was revealed to me the gender of the baby and I said to myself, oh it's a girl! Oh my goodness!! at this point, the Spirit of the Lord came over me and I said, Oh My God, the Lord is restoring to her what she lost!!! I was SO, SO Happy about that!! I remember us being in a house and seeing my deceased Pastor. The Pastor was talking to her Daughter on my right. She kissed her on the lips, said I love you and was telling her to stay with her husband. There was a beautiful car there and a beautiful special kind of umbrella was sticking out the window. She reached in to push a button for the umbrella to go back in but it did not work so she was trying to do something else to pull the umbrella back in.
The last scene, I was standing in a building, maybe a Church and there was a lady in front of me and I was talking to her. It was as if we were in a Church and she came in front of me as if it was a line for me to pray for her. She was the only one. I began telling her some things. I don't remember all of the things I said to her but I did say that there is a lot of stuff in her and that the Lord has placed a lot of things in her and that the Spirit of the Lord is upon her. As I was speaking to her the Spirit of the Lord was all over me and I said the Spirit of the Lord is all over me while I am telling you this because its true and you know its true. I told her that the Spirit of the Lord is so strong on me. All of a sudden, the Spirit of the Lord came upon her and it was so powerful on both of us as I was speaking to her letting her know what the Spirit of the Lord was saying to me concerning her and encouraging her. What I said to her, the Spirit of the Lord confirmed it in her as well as me.
God Bless You and Thank you for the interpretation!
Thelma H.