I was at a banquet style party with my sister.We watched as the brought out each “made to order” dish. The person would come to the side, near we were sitting to get their dish from the server. All the meals were very strange. One I remember was squid (it was cut up and didn’t look like a whole squid). One girl came up to get hers and they handed her a cat, it was still alive. It was small and orange and looked like a baby lion but more orange. We were all surprised it was still alive and was shocked they expected her to eat a live cat but she took it anyway. There was another live animal they brought out but I can’t remember what it was. Right before I woke up the waiter brought me a nice plate of pizza. My sister had gotten one too and they asked if they could put it on the same plate. I said yes. I was so relived to have pizza. Then I woke up.
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