I was out somewhere and for some reason I was walking around the streets of Shinnston completely naked. I had been somewhere and was walking home to Aaron and the kids. I stopped by St. Ann’s Catholic church to knock on the side door because I had remembered there was a job opening that I had wanted to apply for, but I forgot that I was naked, so when I knocked on the door, I hurried and began to run home as fast as I could in hopes that no one would see me because it was dark. When I got home, I ran into the living room, sat down on the couch, pulled the blanket over me and covered my face with a pillow and felt much better. Like no one could see me now. Apparently I didn’t get away fast enough for no one to see me, because when I got home, I was sitting in my living room (I knew I was at my parents’old house, but it looked 100% different. It almost looked like a hotel room with a window. It was only like a block from the church in my dream, but the living room looked like a hotel that had been decorated like my old bedroom. I felt like I was sitting on my old bed looking out my bedroom window, but in all reality I was just sitting on my living room couch looking out that window.) and all of a sudden I saw someone creeping outside the house. I knew the shadow, and I knew they were there to see if it was me who had knocked on the door of the church, so I started yelling for Aaron because I knew he was carrying his gun and he’d take care of it. I just started yelling “There is some pervert outside of our window!!!” He got up and checked and scared them off. The next morning, he stayed home with me and the kids and we were sitting in the same spot on the same couch in front of the same window, only it was light outside and I could see when someone was approaching the window. I kept watching as guys would peek through to see if it was me. This time it didn’t scare me, I just knew what they were there for and got super angry. This time, Aaron knew the whole story because I had told him why guys were outside our house and trying to see me and he kind of got snippy with me about it. Like he knew it was my fault that they were there. I got fed up with it all, so I marched up the hill to what appeared to be my grandma’s house from the outside. There was a football game or something manly going on, because there were all these guys up there. My brothers were even there, and the city cops and alot of other men in authoritative positions. I went up to them and said “is this what you wanted to see?!!!” and flashed them and started yelling at them to leave me the heck alone and kept calling them all a bunch of perverts. I looked at the cop and asked him to please do something about these perverts. He said there was nothing he could do because I had exposed myself. I told him it was all an innocent mistake and that I just forgot that I was naked and told him that as soon as I remembered, I ran away so that I wouldn’t be seen. I kept yelling and started mouthing him off and I began to cry. I told him I had just lost my dad in 2018, my mom in 2019 and he had no clue what I was going through. That I was too young to be going through this and that I didn’t have the energy left to worry about this now. I don’t remember what his response to me was, but I know that he had sympathy in his eyes after I began to cry. Like it softened him or something. I remember turning around and going to walk out the door and screaming at the top of my lungs and just repeating “I wish my dad was here! I wish my dad was here! I wish my dad was here! He’d take care of this!” My brothers looked at me with sympathy in their eyes, like they knew he really would do something about it, but they didn’t do anything. At this point, I woke myself up crying in real life because I had been crying so hard in the dream while I was screaming “I wish my dad was here!” I woke up in grief because my mom and dad really did die in 2018 and 2019.
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