I was in a house and I think my mom and a few others were there. They they dressed me in a very colorful corset, long skirt, fitted duster jacket and boots. I think I asked if there were other clothes I could wear because I don’t wear western clothes like this. I stepped out from the house down two steps and started to float down the road my feet were not touching the ground so I pretended to walk so I wouldn’t draw attention to myself. I also had awareness that I was in a place like YWAM where there were different schools going on even a film school maybe they would think I was acting in something because of the clothes. I was trying to get to my place down the road and there were 3 tin shed/shacks someone was outside the first drinking from a water fountain and I stepped inside the shack and I heard my husband Jonny showering behind a wall and I said hi. He was going to start telling me some things but I told him to wait until after he finished showering. He didn’t know someone was directly outside at the fountain so I didn’t want anyone listening in to a possible private conversation. I walked out the shower shed and over to another and a hoarse was inside and the shed looked like a tiny horse corral. I was concerned that a shed might be too hot for a hoarse to stay in, It was the horses birthday and we were going to take him out somewhere. Jonny and others were around and I think the dream ended.
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