This dream occured 2 months ago but I can't get it out of my mind so I am coming here for advice.
I was at a house party/get together with people I don't know. It was a large white Mediterranean styled home. We were outside playing soccer having fun when someone kicked the ball over my head and over the fence. It was a red wooden fence that seemed to be completely saturated with water and therefore very unstable. I elected not to climb it and a young boy simply ran over and jumped the fence and brought the ball back instead. Shortly after I heard some screams coming from inside the house. No one else seemed to hear it or at least care that there was someone in trouble. I decided to go inside and check it out. When I entered the house, it was full of people just doing ordinary things, (watching TV, sharing a drink in the kitchen, socializing, etc) but no one was in distress. I continued to go throughout the house, looking for someone who needed help. I went up some stairs to a third story landing where I could see out of two different windows. The window to the north side instantly drew my attention as there were now screams outside. This was exactly where I had just come from. When I looked down to the ground, I noticed there was a Tiger wreaking havoc on the guests. I remember seeing the tiger on top of an elderly man on a picnic table and the old man trying to fight the tiger off using carrots. Obviously not a good idea. The tiger consumed the carrots in less than a second and continued his attack on the man. I went down the stairs to get help from inside the house. No one would even acknowledge that I was there asking for help or that anyone was in danger. I went back up the stairs to get a better view and this time looked out of the window to the east. I saw a large river next to the house and across the river an animal exhibit. In the exhibit, there was a different tiger. I could tell this tiger was older than a baby but not full grown yet. He was full size but not filled out yet if that makes sense. However, he was glowing neon orange and he had a neon green/yellow stripe on each of his wrists (all 4). I remember thinking he looked EXTREMELY powerful. You had to squint your eyes to even look at him because he was so bright. He was walking back and forth fully aware of the comotion across the river. He was waiting for someone to set him free. I remembered thinking "if he only knew he was powerful enough to just jump over that fence he could just swim over to us". My feelings about this second tiger are peculiar. I wasn't afraid of the second tiger but I felt like I should be. I also wasn't excited about the second tiger as if he was going to save the day. My feelings were more or less neutral. Moving on, I'm not really sure how it happened, but somehow the second tiger got a robotic jump suit and jumped across the river to the property we were on. He took the suit off and then I woke up.