I was walking with my wife on my family’s land in the country. It was either early sunrise or late sunset. The dream was in color. We walked up on 3 tigers that were together about 50 yards away. I could they were tigers because they had stripes. We were on alert when we saw them. Unbeknownst to us they were being hunted (by 2 hunters with guns wearing green hunting gear but I didn’t focus on them in the dream). A hunter shot at one of them and I thought he may have hit one. When the tigers heard the gun shot they all took off running (including the one I thought got shot) and we took off running trying to find cover or hide from them. The tigers were pursuing any immediate threat while fleeing themselves and one of them spotted me. I got split up from my wife fleeing for my life. I ran around some trees hoping the tiger wouldn’t see me but it did. It pursued me and I kept turning around throwing things at it that were on the ground (straw and limbs) hoping it would deter it but it didn’t phase it. It would just bite through all of it and it would get closer every time. The closer it got to me the more it resembled a lion. Finally it caught up to me and I turned around falling on the ground still trying to scoot away backwards while facing it. Just before it got right in my face I woke up. I just knew that was the end and there’s nothing I could do to escape from a tiger (that maybe morphed into a lion at the end. It definitely had the face/head of a lion) but I was trying any way.
What does this dream mean?