Getting ready to run the mile in a track and field event. My Pastor was the coach. My daughter Jenna was with me and she was going to run too. There were other kids on the track to run against, but I don't remember them. They were all younger than me. I was stretching and warming up and I recall pastor saying that it was evident that I was training and getting stronger. He joked that I better not be getting ready to leave and go to Chicago. I told him I wasn't. Then I had to go to the bathroom before running, and I only had a few minutes. There was a line in there and I even asked this one girl Josie, my daughter’s friend, to move so I could go quickly. Then Jenna came in again and said she had to go too. I told her I'd meet her out on the track. Then I took my inhaler and got ready to run. Jenna then came out and needed it too. The race started and I was feeling so good, strong and fast. I was the leader of the race. I couldn't believe how fast I was going. Lap 1, Lap 2 and then Lap 3. After Lap 3, I saw a city being built. It looked like A small city for kids. Then I woke up.
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