26th February 2021
Title: The time is right now.
Feelings: expectant, encouraged during the dream and on waking up.
I saw a bright light and a person's figure emerged and was approaching me. The person got closer but stopped away from me just so I could recognise who it was. It was John Paul Jackson. I was attentive because I knew he was going to say something. He said: "Make use of what you already have".
I then felt my body was waking up slowly and just before I did I saw two words: 现在.
This means "RIGHT NOW"
I woke up.
***I am in the early stages of learning mandarin in real life***
I found it interesting that the words for "right now" were highlighted as I began to wake up. I dont think it means to use that language as I am not fluent but I understood it as in standing for RIGHT NOW and right now is applicable in any language. Seems emphatic.