hello Pastor , I had a dream that I was touring as a part of a music group . We came upon a junkyard that had michael jacksons casket there , it was a shiny white with a shiny red cross (and blood was coming out of the sides ) so I walked away to grab a necklace that had a cross on it (I rubbed the necklace as a sign of getting strength before I went to minister to him about Jesus (so he could get saved) but then someone yelled out "he not in there he's been dead for 6 years"! so I decided I was going to take the casket and sell for 20,000 . At first the junkyard owner was find with it until he found out how much I was going to get for it . He then refused and started being mean (reminded me of my stepfather for some reason) so I told everyone its ok he's going to die in 4 years anyway?
thanks for any help