I had this dream that I was walking into the backyard at my grandparents home (where I spent a lot of time as a child) on a bright sunny day! When I got back there far enough I saw a wooden structure with watermelon vines on top, the structure was at least 6 feet tall (it looked like a box that had been cut in half vertically). As soon as I saw the vines I busted into happy tears! (Last year, in real life I planted watermelons in my backyard and they didn’t get the chance to mature because I planted them too late-even in that the Holy Spirit and I would commune in the garden daily.) The vines had a few immature watermelons on them but there was one watermelon that was about the size of a basketball, it was dark green with even darker stripes. This melon was also shaped almost in a cube shape. As I continued walking allowing my eyes to scan the backyard I saw more vines along the back and side fence. I was so happy and blown away that my watermelons from last season were still intact! I thought they had died! As I walked around slowly I began accessing the vines to see if there were any watermelons mature enough to pick. There were none (in the natural watermelons are ready when the tendril just above the melon dries out and sometimes when the vine attached becomes dried out and stops providing nutrients). Despite not seeing any with signs of full maturity I picked one from each vines that I thought looked “done enough.“ I sat in the yard to cut them one by one (About 4-5) some were’t done at all-mostly white on the inside. One or two were pink with translucent seeds but still not fully mature and the other was almost there-mostly pink with white seeds that were turning black. The flesh of the last watermelon was sweet, but I could tell it only needed about one more week or so to be fully ripened. I moved over to the biggest watermelon I saw when first coming in to the backyard. I got on top of the structure and cut the melon this-melon looked fully ripened. Although when I tried it it wasn’t fully sweet. In real life you should stop watering your melons about a week before they are ready to pick so that the sugar can become concentrated. This watermelon needed at least another week on the vines. This was the end of the dream.
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