In my dream I am on my way to a babyshower of expecting mother Milinda.
I had to take a white tablecloth with for the tables. When I arrived alot of women was already busy preparing in the kitchen and many tables covered in white tablecloths. We gathered outside waiting for the expectant mother-to-be to arrive. The next moment two women( im my dream I knew it was Milinda’s mother and a friend) started blowing on these HUGE impressive stark white ramshorns.
The dream shifted to me on our farm Evergreen.
Someones wedding was being held there. A friend Lindré came to the kitchen asking me if she can get a take away holder to take a piece of cake home. I walked into the kitchen trying to pass a huge open furnace oven. The door of the furnace oven was open and I couldnt pass without closing the door.
I very carefully try to shut the door without burning but was struggling with it, a very Gentle older man came towards me and help me shut the door.