In this dream I dont know exactly where I was but I think it was a cabin. I was there with my mom and my son (again) and lots of unknown people were there. We all knew that the world was going to end, but like real end times, alot of things were to happen first. But in spite of beleiving it was ending, we still were not convinced, so we were keeping a close watch on things to be sure.
Somehow, everyone taking a bath was a sign that had to happen. So, my mom tells me to go ahead and get my bath before everyone else and be ready just in case. So, I did. When i got out, I looked in the mirror and my face was distorted and disfigured. It freaked me out so, I took a closer look and realized that I wasnt distorted or disfigured, my make up was smeared from the bath. (This is one of the most vivid details).
Then, I told Micah, my son to go check and see if another sign had happened. I cant remember what this sign was. He was with his friends and they came back and said the sign had happened so, we knew we were closer to the end.
We also knew that a sign would be that the outside world would be fake. So, me and my mom went out front (at this point i think it was her house) and it was snowing. But it wasn’t real. It was like an incredibly vivid cartoon (but me and my mom were still real). It was very bright with the blue from the sky and whiteness of the snow that was falling and on the ground. As we stood there we were afraid. We realized that we walked outside and into experiencing the end of the world. I could even feel myself disappearing or being drawn out of the world. I guess like being raptured. But, then I told my mother that even though this is happening, we knew that it was going to. “We knew the signs. We are going to live through the end times. Like this is happening. But we will be ok.”
This is the most vivid dream I’ve ever had and I’m not taking any meds. I woke up freaked out and have had an uneasy feeling since.