Dreamed I was navigating some type of move or sale of my belongings. There were youngish high school/college guys coming to move it and pay me and then the banking system went down. They said that since it went down in the middle of our transaction that the government was keeping it all. They also stuck two pins/tacks into my hands and said they were either marking me or taking a blood sample. They said this is the end and I knew they meant the end of time and persecution. For some reason I thought it was training for the end but they got more and more rough with us. I remember how some of the roughest ones were believers who fell to the enemy and forsook Jesus. I remember also seeing my headboard of my bed (the one I made for OUR bed) on a pick up truck with other pieces of antique furniture holding it up as they took it away.
They got rougher and rougher and I realized it was the real deal. Then they started trying to cut my throat with sharp DVDs/CDs - my fear was slow decapitation. I fought them off. For some reason I was never tied up. Then they got wire or thin and strong string and stood on opposite sides of me and tried to walk it around me and strangle or decapitate me with it. I fought it off. I remember thinking “am I not a martyr for my faith if I fight them” but also being terrified of being slowly decapitated so that’s why I was fighting theFinally they pushed me to the ground firmly until I crumpled into a fetal position and they laid a white foam sheet over me and I felt pressure in my head. It wasn’t painful but when I saw blood dripping I heard screaming. It sounded outside me like it wasn’t me. I laid there saying “I love you Jesus” and wondering if I would be considered as denying Him by fighting off the attacks to my neck. For some reason I was thinking about how he suffocated-asfixiated on the cross and how I shouldn’t fight the same death. I woke in a fetal position and felt a pressure in that same spot on my head. It took a while for me to move. I just laid there thinking about persecution and asking God if I would be strong enough to stand firm.