Below is what i have written about my dream after waking up. This is the first time i have been compelled to do so. I am scared, for some reason. please help.
Dream 1/22/21
Started with me and someone who i think is my dad driving home from somewhere. we are passing through a neighborhood, specifically an upper class majority white neighborhood. we stop at some point in the neighborhood to look at directions, and are confused to see that the directions say to get out of the car and wait at the corner of the block to be picked up. my dad(or whoever it was) and I decide to ignore these instructions. some kids from the neighborhood gather around and admire the car. I decide to do some scouting up ahead, as i think i know where we are. I manage to find my way out of the neighborhood and recognize where I am. I go back to pick up my "dad." Scene change, it is pouring rain. I am at someone's door. The house is huge. Mega mansion style. I turn around and see my dad next the car. Its roof is down. He yells through the sound of the rain that the roof went down on its own. I am very confused and try to put it back up. As he says, it does not work. My dad insists that this is a deliberate act from someone in the neighborhood. I go back to the house i was standing at and knock on the door. One of the kids from earlier answers and lets me in out of the rain. At this point i do not remember how my "dad" would enter but he appears in the house at some point. The kid gives me a small tour of the house. It is enormous. The only specific detail i remember is that it has an indoor double tennis court. He takes us to his parents(?). it is a room with a staircase going down into it on one wall. there is a collection of adults sitting on the ground. On the wall opposing the stair case there is a big screen. On it is a women resembling a character from a Netflix show that i have been watching. For context, the character is named Catrina Bailey from Secret City, an Australian political drama. Her character is one which i harbor ill will towards. She is very manipulative and actively incites disgust in me. I go down the staircase sort of looking around the room. It is a strange scene. I go to sit next to my father, who at this point is faceless. in hindsight this resembles the prayer group I used to have to go to when i was younger. I guess in that context, the person on the screen is god? I sit for a bit and am tuning things out. Until the women on the screen addresses me directly. I snap out my state, and look at the screen. She says that she know that i broke a vase in her house. I did actually do this, at the tennis courts. I forgot when i was writing then but it remember now. I knocked over a vase. So the screen women calls me out. I apologize and somewhere along the line pick up that she is the one who messed with our car and made us have to take shelter. It is around this point where i go on a big rant. I can only recall parts about where i assert specific character human characteristics as innate to some degree. It seems I am critisizing the gathering/the women on the screen to some capacity, and i am explaining that it is in my nature to do so. After this i storm out of the room back to the car. My dad is waiting there. He is faceless, featureless. A mannequin. I get in and close the roof. we drive away. The suburb we are in is nigh infinite. We look at the map, and there is a path out, but it through multiple lakes. we see the first lake through a break in the houses. The road goes down into it. We feel as if there is no alternative and wish to leave with haste. We drive through the lake. On the other side is a very large building that is visible from the suburb side of the lake. It seems to fill the space. The lake is surrounded by trees, and a break in the trees that lines up with the break in the houses is where the building lies. We get through the lake with no problem and pass the building, its bare concrete wall looming.
Part 2
Scene change. I am now in the building. The inside is like a normal house, but really small, as if made for kids. There are about 5 kids in there running around, playing some form of tag. One kids is in a starfish suit. when he catches another the kid who is caught also changes into a suit, instantaneously. like a game. At this point my dad is almost literally a mannequin. His presence drops off from here. A ding rings from the kitchen, and the smell of baked goods wafts through the floor, all the kids run over and start eating the goods. I am distressed about this for some reason and realize there are windows near the kitchen. I look through. The window is tinted a purple color, and i cannot see through it. I punch through it. on the other side of the wall is a mess of steal beams and construction landscape that goes on for about 50 feet. Then there is a slope up. it seems that the building we are in is depressed into the ground. This was not true when i was driving there. I attempt to break a bigger window next to the already broken one with no success. i take a chair and smash through. There is no sound. the glass just dissapears. the same is true for the first window. there i see some construction workers sitting on the top of the slope up. two off to the left talking and one staring right at me. I call out to him to ask for help (at this point there is no apparent danger). He warns me that i should not be doing what i am doing, and to get back inside the building. As my head is out the window, i see colorful flags and banners along the wall of the building i am in. they flutter in the wind, against the concrete. I go back into the building and both windows are intact as if never "broken." A bell sounds and the kids get ready to play another round. I am now a kid, i think. The game starts and the kid next to me is now in an animal suit. He pounces on me and i an "tagged" it appear that this round was quite short as another sort of industrial horn sounds plays. One kid shouts to quickly go up the stairs to the tv. I get there fist. We are in an attic of some sort. there is little space. i am hunched over, it seems that i am now normal size. on one end of the attic there sits an old box TV on a bench. Next to it is a closet, armoire style. All the kids huddle up around me. the tv turn on to static, and flicks to a picture of the armoire. The doors burst open and black eyes fill the screen, with red pupils. They are drawn, with heavy line art. When the eyes dissipate knives Apparate where the pupils were and a voice says to choose someone. The kids are scared, shivering. They point at a chubby kid, who is then riddled with knives. I am scared. I wake up.