I had this dream 2/12/19
Nate (campus pastor) had sent out an email about how he had come up with a wilderness retreat idea and how we go and refresh our minds from civilization and everybody was on board with the idea. The next morning we are loading up and getting ready to leave, So we get to the this foreign looking forest trail and we walk down the trail to our campsite to set up and at that time it already two thirty in the afternoon we got all set up and someone said "lets all take a nap because im sure everybody is exhausted from the trip so we all took our naps. It was a little while later in the day not everybody was up Pam (my mom), Nate (campus pastor), Stevi (lead pastors wife) and myself was up so we made a fire cut up with each other and we haven't heard from Randy (small group pastor), Brett (youth pastor), Ben (media team direction) in a while so i decided i would go check on them and they weren't in their tents so i run to group and say "Randy,Brett and Ben isnt in their tents they're missing!" So Nate (campus pastor) said we will go first thing in the morning and look for any sign of them. In my dream i saw how they went missing even though i didn't know at the time; they had gotten up when we were all asleep to use the outhouse and the outhouse is about a fifteen to twenty minute walk as they are walking Randy (small group pastor) heard rustling leaves and brett and ben to be quiet because he hears something and before he knows it a few indian tribe people come up behind them holding a homemade crossbow at them and said "Who are yo this is our territory!" Randy (small group pastor) tried to reason with them and made the idian person even angrier so he shot Randy in the shoulder and knocked all of them out and drug them to their indian camp. They tied them to metal poles and stuffed gags in their mouths and the indian pulled the arrow out of randys shoulder and with no warning puts a hot poker on it to cauterize the bleeding. So the next morning we look for foot prints, clues, anything we could find nothing we searched for five hours and still found nothing it was getting pretty late so we set up camp where we were but as we were setting up nate saw smoke in the sky and ask if we seen it but we didnt go towards it because it could be a trap but atleast we had some sort of lead. So the next morning i head what sound like someone calling for help in the distance so i wake the group and we run towards the sound of the voice and we see Randy,Brett,Ben still tied to those poles the camp looking abandoned so we contacted the search and rescue through the walkie talkies they had given us and rescued them.