I dreamed our family(me my husband and our three kids) were going on a trip and my husband and I were talking to a travel agent and trying to figure out the best way to get to Disneyworld the quickest. The travel agent told us they’d just had a cancellation on a cruise ship and we could take that for half price. So my husband and I agreed to take this route to disneyworld. My mother in law walked up and asked how long it would take us to get there and when the ship returned and the lady said October 2019 is when it would return. My mother in law said “no absolutely not y’all cannot take that ship, I’ve already bought tickets for us all to go together”. So my mother in law and my husband walked over to the side to a table and I was waiting for the travel agent to get us our money back. All of a sudden my mother in law starts to panic saying that she’s lost all the tickets for our train to disneyworld. Then when I look back at the travel agent she has a baby and she’s wrapping it in Saran Wrap and I started screaming asking her why she was doing that to the baby and she said. “This baby died and we have to preserve the body” I took the baby from her and jabbed a hole in the Saran Wrap where the baby’s mouth was and began to feed it from our child’s bottle. I looked at her and told her that baby was not dead that it was starving and needed food.
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