I was having a yard sale on a cliff- there was a deep chasm between me and another bank, piece of land or cliff. I could look across the chasm and see the other side but on my side there was a see through blue force field at the edge of the cliff - on the other side was a rock cliff with three walkways built in it. There was hundreds of people walking the walkways and some were looking into the chasm. The rocks begin to crumble from the top and fall destroying the walkways and people which fell into the chasm. Once it had all fallen there was a huge opening behind it into the heavens
that the cliff was covering. I remember being in awe of the new opening that it had revealed and feeling peaceful I said "well, there goes my yard sale". Holley which was with me said " my nerves just can't take this", and she gave herself a shot. I woke after that.