I have been having these types of dreams for almost a year now if not more. Every time I am at my childhood home with my parents and I always end up arguing with one or both of my parents. It always is a really heated argument where I get so upset I am crying. In the dreams my husband and I are always living with my parents (sometimes my husband and daughter are not actually seen in the dream but I will call or text my husband in the dream and say we are moving). In all the dreams we (my husband , daughter & I) end up moving out , whether it is my own decision or my parents say they want us out. I always tell My husband in every dream we have to ask his mom if we can move in with her & my father in law and the dream always ends with my husband and I moving in with them. its literally the same every time , a huge argument, I decide to move out, either myself or my husband contacts his mom to get permission to live with her, then I move in with her. There was one slight difference with the most recent dream and it was that I offered to pay rent to my mother in law if we had to.
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