Every time my husband and myself have a dream about my younger brother Carl (whom we call Bung; his family nickname) he is demon possessed and trying to attack us and we are fighting him. I.e. If my husband dreams about him my brother is trying to attack Alonzo (my husband) and Alonzo is fighting him off. In my most recent dream Alonzo and I were at a track meet and saw my brother running hurdles, I said I wanted to stay to show support and that I cared. I cheered for Carl and when he heard me he fell over a hurdle, then he started acting like he didn’t know what to do and began to call for my dad to see if he was doing a good job. I felt bad that I messed him up and told Alonzo we should leave. Then I noticed a weird look on my brothers face and knew he was demon possessed. He ran towards me and I tried to run away but he caught me and pinned me and was trying to make out with me. I was screaming at him telling him he was my brother and he just laughed and continued to try to kiss me so I began to try and punch his face and claw his face but I couldn’t scratch or punch him as hard as I wanted to.
im wondering why my brother is always demon possessed when we dream about him and why he’s always trying to attack us. I am thinking it may have something to do with generational curses but I’m not sure what curse exactly that would be?