This category is intended to provide an opportunity for site members to assist each other in finding the meaning of specific dream symbols. In general, symbols listed here should come from a particular dream, so that context can be taken into consideration. It is also appropriate to post questions about images, symbols and metaphors that God draws your attention to outside of dreams. If you simply want to learn possible meanings of symbols in general, follow the main Symbols page or submit a request to Dream Stories for the symbol you are interested in to be added to the Symbol of the Week list. It is also possible that symbols found in this forum category will be selected for inclusion in the Symbol of the Week Queue.
It is also important to remember that unless Michael or an approved moderator comments on your post, all site members are learning about dream interpretation and their suggested symbol meaning should be considered in that context. Remember posts in this category should never be treated as an approved dream dictionary. It is vital to listen to the Spirit for His direction when seeking a Spirit-Led dream interpretation.