I had a dream that took place in a McDonalds that was completely white inside. it was quite long and detailed. i can provide it if needed.
Within a few weeks of the dream, in waking life I went to a meeting at a place I’d never been before and the walls were all white inside and they had balloons at the entrance that were McDonald’s colors - yellow and red. this was a bit disturbing because the dream didn’t seem positive and the place I went in real life was a new location for a very close church family. I’ve been wondering if the dream was pointing to that family.
That was a few months ago. Just this weekend i went to another event for that same family at a different location. As we were leaving I noticed that they had some balloons on a gate/fence that were red and yellow. The rest of the party was black, gold and white decor so these balloons were a bit odd to me.
I feel like there’s some message here from the Lord but dont want to overanalyse or get weird about it. do you see a connection or am i being that weird person that sees something in everything?
I can provide the dream if needed. I had intended to post it but it was so long and detailed that I didn’t think it was appropriate for the forum.