In my dream last night I had got offered a job at a laundry mat and there were 3 symbols that stood out and the fourth I am unsure if it is considered a symbol or not. Upon getting the job I remember looking at the job details on a piece of paper I did not really seem to see the start time but noticed that I got off every day at 5:10 and that I would get paid $15.08 this really stood out to me. Then I was told I would be given a company car it happened to be a purple honda but it needed repair so I did not drive it. The color purple popped up again later when my mother in law came to get me from the job and we had homemade poptarts with purple icing (the car was a dark puprle but the icing was like a lavender). I then recall my mother in law saying she was geting married and when I asked how that could be if she was married to my father in law she said she would find a way to marry again and have two husbands.
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