For at least a year as of this writing (maybe longer if I looked at my former dream journals) I have dreamed of the name 'Thomas'. Not the actual name, as in the word Thomas, but people who are named Thomas. It is sometimes someone with the first name Thomas or the last name Thomas. I've dreamed of the entire family of Thomas's, with all of them appearing in my dream at one time, as well as each of them individually. These are all Thomas's I know in real life. Some of these Thomas's are family members, others are former church members and still others, are friends. They are males, females and children. Six of the male Thomas's are Pastors of churches, one of them is a deceased Pastor. These Thomas's appear in my dreams as frequently as three, four or five times a week. I document my dreams and it is amazing reading page after page of dreams where Thomas's appear. It seems obvious that there is a message that I'm not getting. After dreaming of Thomas's for an entire week recently, I thought to myself upon awakening, "finally, a dream without a Thomas in it!" Later that morning at work, as I was given a stack of books to add to the book shelf, many of them fell to the floor. As I stooped to pick them up, one of them had fallen face up. I recognized the author, a very popular man; T.D. Jakes. I thought nothing much of it, but my curiosity lead me to reading the back of the book. I was more surprised that this book was a part of the owner's library, as I know them to be people who not Believers or Christians and who aren't even members of a church. The moment I read more about the author T.D Jakes, I was blown away as I re-discovered the letter T in his initials stand guessed it, THOMAS! I actually already knew this bit of trivia, just because of my exposure to his personality on television and in the church culture. So, this whole incident, was almost like God saying to me, "well, no, you didn't dream about a Thomas last night, but here's a reminder for you that you need to pay attention and figure out what I'm trying to tell you." I know God doesn't want me to "figure out" the interpretation as such, but in all my searching, researching, praying, asking Holy Spirit to reveal the interpretation to me, I'm no closer to understanding these night riddles now, than I was when I first started dreaming! Where are the Daniels? Please H-E-L-P!!!
PS...I've searched the meaning of the name Thomas (meaning Twin) Nope, no chance of me having twins (I'm beyond childbearing years and am a celibate widow). The only Thomas I am familiar with in the Bible is doubting Thomas. I've searched my heart and can't find anywhere that I'm doubting in my faith walk.