Was pregnant and needed to go to the hospital to have the baby I packed a bag that had my gray robe , navy blue robe, slightly darker gray night gown, blue, orange and grayish black underwear, and a black bra (I packed my bag at my childhood home in my old bedroom). I got to the hospital and both my parents were there.. I mainly recall my dad being there, I knew my mom was there but she wasn’t really the focus, and I don’t really think my dad was the focus either but he did speak once I just don’t remember what he said. The main focus was the pregnancy and me having the baby. I was laying on a bed, but it seemed more like a table and was waiting to start having contractions when I stood up my water broke. I don’t remember pushing the baby out I do remember it being a boy he was very very chunky like more than 10lbs and he didn’t look like a newborn at all more like he was 3 months he was light skinned and sort of resembled my brother. When I tried to hold the baby he didn’t want me, one of my parents was holding him. I finally got him to let me hold him and my husband was sitting with me and we were trying to show our daughter Alorra her new brother but she wasn’t happy and she cried.
The 2 things that seemed really emphasized in the dream was my clothes... i was really particular about what I had packed and looked over it a couple times , almost as if to memorize it (sometimes I’m somewhat aware that I’m dreaming and if I think something is important I repeat it in my dream so I can remember) also when my water broke that was really significant to me.