I see a meteor in the air. It’s big, i don’t want my husband David to miss seeing it. I hurry to show him, he finally sees it. We see the meteor shooting through the air, it is falling towards the earth. It’s big! We think maybe it’s just a meteor, No Its not a meteor, it’s a big space ship looking thing and it lands. Its huge I don’t know if it’s bad or what but David sees it too. I think it was a dome shaped ship, maybe the color white. We are outside, in an open area, I see some trees, but the trees are not a focus, the meteor/ship is. I can’t believe this ship/meteor is falling from the sky.
The other part of my dream:
I can’t really remember this part, but, I’m in a kitchen food is being served. Joyce (a woman pastor I know)has some steaks on her plate. I’m even given steaks? And chicken nuggets ?
My nuggets are cold but I think I will warm them up, it’s ok