Scene 1
My elder sister, her husband and I with the rest of the family was in my sister's and her husband's friends flat. it felt like it was in the eastern side of Hong Kong Island. My sister's husband was asking me what my thought was on having my own business. His friend who was a married woman was sharing how her own business has thrived after quitting her job and it was something that she had never imagined before. He was asking me what my thoughts were about quitting my job and starting my own business. After that, he was padding and brushing my back with his palm to encourage me like a friend.
Afterwards, was on the G/F looking up at some residential units. My sister was telling me that they have found a new home. It looked like the one she was pointing at, but it was not exactly like the one that she was pointing at. The one she was pointing at has floor to ceiling windows, but the one they would be living in does not have full height windows but with a 300mm upstand from the floor. (maybe that way their dog will be safer then)
Scene 2
I felt like I was the President of the US. I was in a very big old fashion mansion. But only the interior was old fashion. i was wearing a evening gown with a heel length cap that was shimmering with sequins in tiffany blue. There was a modern machine that looked like an x-ray machine we see in the airport in my living room. A man in a black suit like a body guard showed me how it worked and walked me through it I and we went into another world.
I was sitting in a roofless old fashion black car with silver/ gold rim. Shaped like something below.

with the 'body guard' in the car as the driver. We went through the countryside and a tunnel. Tunnel in the countryside was actually well-built for transportation and the tunnel led cars through a hill. There were 4 tunnels all together lining side by side. When we went out of the tunnel, we had to pay the toll. But instead of paying, we were giving a bullet like object that was actually made from carrot. That was the whole aim of getting into the x-ray machine into the tunnel to collect the carrot bullet.
The driver/ body guard and me went out of the x-ray machine and went back into the present world. back into the mansion. The bullet was made of carrot and the cross section was in the shape of a cogwheel.
Then the body guard told me with great emphasis and attention, 'This is how we get something from the past that no one suspect and put it into somebody's heart in the present/ if we retrieve something from the past and use it in the present and put it in someone's heart, people will not find out' ... i had an impression what he meant is something from the past will not be detected as new in the present so 'authority/ police' who are trying to catch people with new things will not be able to catch them but at the same times these people with this key element from the past in their hearts will get healed/ fixed/ saved. The carrot bullet would disintegrate inside the body, no one would find out. That was what he meant. In the dream, I felt like it made complete sense and I was in awe of such wisdom I thought. (but as I type it out now... doesn't make much sense to me)
It was so important that he walked me through the whole process again. We went into the x-ray machine, into the car and tunnel and collected a bullet that was made of carrot again. It felt to me that it was something super important. I kept it carefully in my heart. not knowing how it was to be used in my future.
Scene 3
After getting back into the mansion. It felt like a ball was going to be held in a ball room in my estate, not within the mansion. I was wearing a gown that didn't look completed. still in the half tailored form. I thought I would go into the x-ray machine so that my gown and cape would be completed magically. I was not supposed to let anyone know about this x-ray machine. While I was trying to switch on the x-ray machine, 2 body guards or 2 guests or 2 staff of mine came into to find me to lead me to the ball. I was freaking out because one, I was not ready in my half finished dress, second I was not supposed to let people see me walk through the x-ray machine.
I walked into the pantry behind the receiving hall of the mansion where the x-ray machine was located. not knowing what to do.
The dream ended.